To My Child

To My Child

To My Child | February 2024 ~ First Published by Ink Sweat & Tears. I am really happy that this little poem i wrote for my eldest child has been published in Ink Sweat & Tears’ LGBT Feature. link below… ========================Welcome to Day One of our feature! Featuring Godelieve de Bree, Casey Garfield, and Anna Maughan Link below for the full poems 🙂 Before you were even born, you’d been assigned a binary — a little blue boy — but you’re beyond those categories. I loved you exactly as you were, I love you exactly as you are, I will love whoever you will be.



You used to sleep on me, soothed by being held, by the sounds of my body, by the rhythm of my breath. I remember your soft warmth, surrendered weight, total trust. Fists uncurling on my chest, fingers tangled in my hair. Such tender, ferocious, aching love — pulsing through me, it felt like every heartbeat I would ever have. Cell by cell, you became who you are. Now tall as me, you sleep late, hold your own dreams. But that love still burns, an unwavering fire — warmth if you are sleepless, light if you are lost.

Blue Eyes

Blue Eyes

Your world breaks, then steadies then breaks again, but deeper way below the foundations built together years ago, those rooms mapped out in simple faith and filled with all your days: love and friendship, fights and passion, laughter, sorrow, silence. When your world breaks far deeper than you knew it could, you will feel that you can’t go on but you will go on. It will feel so much more than you can bear but you will bear it you’ve shoulders broad enough. You will feel that you are lost forever, fallen through the cracks, but a part of you is always found in those blue eyes you made: they will tell you every day why your love lives and just how much your pain is worth.