I see you
in the museum, at midnight —
dancing with the dead things,
caressing dust from faded fur
and feathers,
reminding them
of how it felt to live.
You understand how it is
to emerge, creaking and cautious
having been pinned in place,
inflamed and aching,
bent into the shape
that illness will allow.
The bright glare, muffled roar
of life passing beyond glass walls
as you lay, stifled in stillness,
reduced to merely watching
with bright button eyes.
So dance with your dead menagerie,
let brittle birds take refuge in your hair.
Creatures crowd lovingly around you,
reanimated animals, thankful
for the moments they can hold
something like life again.

My poem Snow White has been featured in the fantastic DUST POETRY MAGAZINE.
Dust is a British poetry journal featuring work from global artists that I admire and I am so happy to appear amongst them.
Snow White is very dear to me as it is inspired by a good friend and explores the concept of chronic illness which I also experience personally.